
Top 5 Tips On Finding The Right Dissertation Supervisor

Thinking of starting working on your dissertation? Well, that is good news. However, do you know what the most important thing to do is before starting to work on this scholarly document? Yes, it is finding the right dissertation supervisor. A supervisor can make a career of a student with his skills and research paper writing services. But to make this happen, it is extremely that you choose a supervisor who is the right fit for you and your research study.

Finding a dissertation supervisor can be an extremely daunting task. The reason is that at the early stages of research, you do not know which supervisor could provide you with the best guidance you require. Keeping this in view, we have decided to dedicate today’s article to discuss the top 5 tips for finding the right supervisor. However, before discussing the tips, let’s explain who is a research supervisor.

Who Is A Dissertation Supervisor? Explain Its Responsibilities, Too.

A dissertation or research supervisor is one of the individuals on the academic staff that the university assigns to you as a guide for your research project. Such a person provides you with all the guidance required to conduct successful research and craft a good dissertation. It is the dissertation supervisor who guides students on how to select a good topic for the research project and secure funding if needed. The main responsibilities of a supervisor are as follows:

  • A supervisor is responsible for coordinating and approving the research plans proposed by the student.
  • He is also responsible for the supervision of the whole research task and ensures that the research gets completed on time.
  • A research supervisor oversees the academic progress of students and guides them wherever they make a single mistake.

Hence, this is a picture of the broad responsibilities of research supervisors. We hope you now have enough idea about this individual and his role in research.

Top 5 Tips For Findings The Right Supervisor

“It is a decision that should be taken very seriously.” Says Anna Sverdlik, a dissertation writer working with The Academic Papers UK. Finding the right supervisor is the most crucial decision that you will make in your entire academic life. Making this decision wrongly can lead to many problems and researcher-supervisor conflicts. Hence, a brief description of the 5 important tips to keep in mind when making this decision is as follows:

Check The Academic Background

The first tip is that you must go through the profiles of all the academic supervisors of your faculty. This will allow you to have an in-depth knowledge of their research work and research interests. In addition to this, you can have an idea about their success after checking the number of citations of the research they have produced. The tip here is that always go for a dissertation supervisor who matches your interest and has a high number of research publications.

Workstyle Compatibility Is Important

Matching interests is not a guarantee that the research supervisor is a good fit for your dissertation. Along with this, matching workstyle compatibility is also important. If you are a student, who needs only guidance and no interference in the way you do the research, then you must look for someone who offers this kind of freedom.

Meet The Current Research Students

The million dollars tip is that you must meet the current research students of your university. Meet different students who are working under different dissertation supervisors. What is the benefit of doing this? Its benefit is that you will get real insights into the research potential of different supervisors and their behaviour with the students.

Look Beyond The Phd

When you are making the decision to choose a dissertation supervisor, you must look beyond completing your PhD degree. As a student, you must look for a supervisor who can help you develop the skills required to be successful when you join the industry after your studies. In addition to this, you must look for a supervisor who can support you after your PhD degree.

Trust Your Gut

Lastly, you must trust your gut. By saying this, we are not opposing the idea of making decisions based on logic and quantifiable measures. Instead, take it as a way to find the right supervisor. When you interact with different supervisors, you get a chance to know about them, and your gut always tells you something about them. Trust your gut.


Choosing the right dissertation supervisor is not an easy task. Being the most important decision of your life, you must not forget to follow all the tips mentioned above. By following the tips given above, we guarantee that you will land a supervisor who is the best fit for your research study.

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